Added Title Keyword to Template Builder
The Title keyword (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) has been added to the Template Builder.
The Title keyword (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) has been added to the Template Builder.
You can now select multiple modules in the Template Builder to use keywords from different modules.
The performance of updating and saving changes in the User Security Access Form has been improved.
Allow employee to file Leave without Pay (LWOP) only if the employee has fully consumed his/her Paid Leave Credits.
Applicants can now upload a CV or Resume File that is up to 3MB in size. Anything larger will not be allowed.
You can now configure if an employee needs to attach a file when requesting to update his/her own profile.
Shift with no lunch; display correct working hours;
You can now import Individual Objectives from a file.
You can now upload loan payments using a new file template.
Employees can now print the Loan Payment Detail Report from the Employee Portal.