All About Retirement Pay
RETIREMENT PAY (Article 302) A. Coverage Employees shall be retired upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years or more but not beyond sixty-five (65) years old [and have served the establishmentRead More…
All About Night Shift Differential Pay
NIGHT SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL (Article 86) A. Definition Night Shift Differential (NSD) refers to the additional compensation of ten percent (10%) of an employee’s regular wage for each hour of work performed betweenRead More…
All About Separation Pay
SEPARATION PAY (Articles 298-299) Separation pay is given to employees in instances covered by Articles 298 and 299 (formerly Articles 283 and 284) of the Labor Code of the Philippines. An employee’sRead More…
All About 13th Month Pay
THIRTEENTH-MONTH PAY (PD 851) A. Coverage All employers are required to pay their rank and file employees thirteenth-month pay, regardless of the nature of their employment and irrespective of the methods byRead More…
All About Separation Pay
SEPARATION PAY Separation pay is given to employees in instances covered by Articles 298 and 299 (formerly Articles 283 and 284) of the Labor Code of the Philippines. An employee’s entitlement toRead More…
Minimum Wage
MINIMUM WAGE Republic Act No. 6727 (also known as the “Wage Rationalization Act” ) mandates the fixing of the minimum wages applicable to different industrial sectors, namely, non-agriculture, agriculture plantation, and nonplantation,Read More…
What is Premium Pay
What is Premium Pay A. Definition Premium pay refers to the additional compensation for work performed within eight (8) hours on non-work days, such as rest days and special days. B. Coverage ThisRead More…
Rules for Pay for the Chinese New Year
Rules for Pay for the Chinese New Year Last January 28, 2017, the country celebrated the Chinese New Year. As it was declared a Special Holiday, special pay rules apply for DailyRead More…